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Thesis And Dissertation

As a current Master's or Ph.D. student, it is your responsibility to comply with all policies, procedures and applicable program requirements that govern your individual program of study. 

Defense Announcements
Format approval process

The Graduate School's Format Team looks forward to working with you by email to make sure that your thesis/dissertation meets Oakland University Graduate School's formatting requirements. Please email us the following information to gradformatting@oakland.edu to get started:

  • Name
  • Degree Program
  • Committee Chair
  • Defense Date, if known
  • Expected Graduation Semester

We'll work with you both before and after your Defense. Along with receiving Format Approval, you'll work with us to meet additional requirements regarding printing and binding of your thesis/dissertation.

Guidelines & helpful resources
Dissertation defense
Publishing dissertations with ProQuest
Printing Services
Ph.D. survey